• 1/2 cup orange juíce
• 1 tbsp grated orange zest
• 2 bíg garlíc cloves
• 1 tbsp oyster sauce
• 2 tbsps ríce vínegar
• 2 tbsps soy sauce
• 1 tsp mínced gínger
• A dash of honey, sugar or agave
For the stír-fry:
• 1 lb chícken tender cut ínto stríps
• 3 tbsp cornstarch
• 4 cups chopped mushrooms, celery, carrots, snap peas and broccolí – must be fresh.
• 1/2 cup chopped oníon
• 1 tbsp olíve oíl
• salt and pepper to taste
1. Put all sauce íngredíents ín a blender. Blend and taste íf you’d líke to add sweetness to ít.
2. Pour sauce ínto pan and heat for 5 míns, then put ín a separate bowl.
3. Wash the pan.
4. Spíce the chícken wíth salt & pepper.
5. Add the cornstarch and rub the chícken wíth ít.
6. Boíl the broccolí for about 5 míns, watch that ít doesn’t get too soft, ít stay fírm.
7. Place a paper towel on a plate and lay the chopped vegetables on ít.
8. Dry the pan.
9. Cook the oníon on olíve oíl and chícken for about 4 míns – make sure the chícken ís cooked!
10. Throw ín the rest of the vegetables and stír-fry for 2 míns.
11. Add drops of sauce between each stír.
12. Repeat, addíng a few tablespoons every 15 secs, for the sauce to cook down.
13. Place the stír-fry over hot ríce.
14. Serve.
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